Monday, August 24, 2009

The Climb

Many of you may have been like me at one time. You had grandiose visions of sitting in the corner office overlooking the little people below while taking home your mammoth paycheck. Hordes would scramble to your office desparate for your answer to life-changing, world-defining questions.

Then, one day...YOU WOKE UP or like me you had a baby. Those dirty diapers and midnight wake-up calls changed it all. Now, your grandiose visions are of taking a day off to play with your little miracle baby. Then again, your vision may be a bit blurred by the flying food or toys being hurled past your head without warning.

My grandiose visions now are of promotions with enough pay increases to be able to have more kids - daycare isn't cheap, you know... I want at least 1 more. Then again, at my age, we might have trouble getting pregnant at all or at the other end of the spectrum, we could end up with multiples... then I better really get a big raise...

I was thinking about this just this morning as realized, 2 kids in daycare would run us $1000 a month. That's almost a mortgage payment...and my mother-in-law wonders why I'm not pregnant again yet. Of course, that doesn't count the formula, diapers, clothes, etc. We're saving all Michael's "stuff" just in case, but with the costs involved, we're not sure we can afford to have more kids.

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