Thursday, July 30, 2009

Touring MA

I spent the last 2 days doing work "stuff" and then got to spend the afternoon touring Boston and the Harvard campus. Just being there made feel STUPID :) Tomorrow I'm heading to Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard. I hate being away fromy husband and son, but I love getting to see places I might not otherwise get to see. Last nite I saw the Red Sox play the Oakland A's at Fenway. My coworker said he thinks it's the oldest stadium in use. I'll add pics to my next post.

Monday, July 27, 2009

FL at last

Finally arrived, now have changed and am heading to beach

My new iPod

So I finally got an iPod. Actually my husband got it for me so he could buy himself a PSP and not feel too guilty over it. It's his money so it doesn't Matter to me, but I definitely got a great new toy out of it. I LOVE THIS THING. It just takes a little longer than normal to post a new entry but my one-finger typing skills are definitely getting a lot better.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Shipping off my baby

At 4:30 this morning my in-laws arrived and my husband and I loaded our 2 yr old son into his car seat along with clothes, toys and enough DVD's to last for a 16 hour car ride and a 7 day visit to his great-grandparents. These grandparents live in MI and this will be the first time they've been able to see their 1st great grandchild in person.

Two weeks ago we realized Michael would have to go with them for the week. I have to be gone the entire week on business and my husband who works and goes to school full-time has finals this week. Normally, that would mean we depend on my in-laws for help with taking Michael to and picking him up from daycare. This time though, they already had planned the trip to MI so we really had no choice but to let them take him.

Don't get me wrong, I trust them, but that a LONG drive and a lot of time on the road and there are lots of idiots out there.

You know, I thought I might be able to handle it. There's grocery shopping and general home "stuff" to do today along with getting my things packed. Boy was I wrong, they pulled away from the house and hadn't even gotten as far as the next door neighbor's drive and I was already in tears. I don't regret letting Michael go with them. This may be his only chance to see his great-grandparents and my husband and I are actually going on a date tonight. The problem is I just hate being away from my baby. It's bad enough being away from him when I have to travel, but this time since he'll be gone longer than I am, I'm at a loss for what to do without him. We usually spend Saturdays playing in the yard or going to the beach. I guess I should use this time to do my spring cleaning. Michael loves to help clean, the only problem is once we're done and there's nothing left to clean, he likes to make messes so he can do more cleaning. Let's just hope he doesn't grow out of that :) I guess I need to get dressed and get started for the day. I'll be counting the minutes until they call tonight letting us know they arrived safely.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Home renovations

My husband and I are in the midst of one of our first real home improvement projects. We've done some small projects since we bought the house last Dec, but this one is definitely a major one. We're redoing the kitchen floor. Some of the tile has started buckling on the sides and in a couple of places corners are sticking up. I'm taking before, during and after pics of all the projects we do and putting them in a scrap book. So here's the before shot. The day we closed, I started a notebook of ALL to do items for the house - including the ones we won't be able to afford to do for several years. I wanted a central place to keep track of everything that needs to be done and how much we spend doing it. I used to love PDA's, but I missed being able to "check off" a finished project. It doesn't feel the same when you just delete it. Then you can't see you actually did anything. All those checks in my notebook show how much we've done in the few months we been here and it's a great feeling to see how much we've already accomplished. Our son isn't too sure of what's going on, though he did try to help me take up the tile yesterday. Hey, he's a little boy, and when it's ok to tear up something, you better believe he's going to help if he can. I love doing all this work to the house, but unfortunately, it does take away time I spend with my son. And speaking of, he just woke up, so that's all for now.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


FYI - This is good morning in Japanese. I used this title because this entry is about the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park. I was there a couple of months ago and loved it so much my husband and I are turning our screened in back porch into a miniature Japanese Tea Garden. This is one of the pics showing how incredible the garden there is. If I'm lucky, HGTV will feature it....HAHA. Hey, it could least in my dreams...I had intended for this to be a LOOOOONG entry to make up for all the lost time, but I only have a few minutes until my beautiful miralce baby is back from grandma's house.